Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The dictionary.

Getting soda fizz on your hand

People who take three fucking slices of pizza. Fat piece of shit.

My car's break pedal.

Assholes who don't know how to knock

Religious Assholes.

Now, I don't mean religious assholes in that everyone who is religious is an asshole and I hate them, but more the people who are assholes about religion. Everyone knows that guy who at any chance they get will tell you how they feel about the way the universe was made and how you are an idiot because you don't 100% agree with them. The kid who will wear his bible camp t-shirt and talk to the Jewish kids about how they should convert. The douchenozzle who will loudly proclaim "God doesn't exist." whenever they can, even though they know it will offend the people around them. The guy who won't even introduce them self to someone wearing something that resembles a turban on their head, because the news told them that everyone like that likes to blow shit up. Assholes.

People who deny that they snore.

People who don't understand what size clothes they should be wearing.

Stupid Fucking People: Issue 1

Jesus Christ. I hate people. Pretty much all of them. Especially boys. Boys are icky. They have cooties. Also: all guys are fucking retarded. Especially when it comes to girls. Grow a pair and learn to have a little faith in a human being that isn't yourself. Chickenshit fuckups. I hate 'em.

Ragdoll Physics Engines

New Blog!

Woo! I made a blog! I'm going to post in this blog every time there is something that I hate that comes to mind... which is probably going to happen at least once a day. Aww fuck who am I kidding, I'm going to update this motherfucker all the goddamn time. Go in peace, fuck the world.

EDIT: The RSS is the thing at the bottom. I sure as hell know I'm subscribing to my feed.